Railroad Photography at Night
The sounds of trains at night drew me to the landscape. I learned to use synchronized flashes to record their movement throught the natural and built landscapes at night. I spend hours outdoors on location arranging lights for a subject that isn’t there: the photographer has to guess about the result and there is only one chance to take the shot. Trains roll according to their own plan, in that sense, I’m a passive observer and much of my inspiration comes from documentary photographers although this isn't a documentary, its a story about standing out along the tracks in the middle of the night. About William Gill and Trains at Night

Warm hazy nights, there are people out everywhere: fishing, camping, drinking

Nights last forever in winter.

Selfies on the tracks, behind-the-scenes as I set up in the outdoor studio, photos of people I meet

Homes, factories along the tracks and the tunnels and bridges that railroads built.

The steam engine shaped so much of the American landscape. You can still see them run.