Cumberland, Maryland - 2022
Western Maryland 1309 along the Potomac at The Narrows.
Deep River, Connecticut - 2019
Exhaust hangs over the entire length of a steam train as it heads north over a frozen marsh
Frostburg, Maryland - 2022
Western Maryland 1309 navigates a sharp curve in the mountains
Deep River, Connecticut - 2016
New Haven 3025 hauls a train over the frozen Chester Creek.
Deep River, Connecticut - 2015
Two Steam trains wait to depart the depot on a rainy night - 4x5 image on Kodak Tmax.
Frostburg, Maryland - 2013
Western Maryland 734 is still working hard as it pulls into the depot on a steep grade.
Deep River, Connecticut - 2012
Ron guides a freight move from the ladder of a boxcar while a north bound passenger train arrives on the number 2 track.
Ridgeley, West Virginia - 2013
Running Gear of a steam locomotive resting in the terminal.
Deep River, Connecticut - 2013
A cold night on the Connecticut River.
Ridgeley, West Virginia - 2013
Shoveling coal
Chester, Connecticut - 2013
Working up a small grade past the tiny passenger shelter